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34歲好萊塢甜姐兒安海瑟薇(Anne Hathaway)與老公亞當蘇曼(Adam Shulman)結婚4年,去年3月產下兒子強納森(Jonathan Shulman),當起新手媽媽,一家3口過著幸福家庭生活。不過,產後急欲復出的她,近日卻在Instagram公佈,將無限期停用Instagram與Facebook帳號,讓粉絲大感驚訝,直喊「快回來」!

安海瑟薇(Anne Hathaway) 老公亞當·舒爾曼

▲安海瑟薇與老公亞當蘇曼2012年閃婚,兩人愛的甜蜜。( 圖/翻攝自celebuzz.com)


安海瑟薇(Anne Hathaway) 兒子喬納森·舒爾曼
圖/Radar Online

▲安海瑟薇抱著兒子強納森。(圖/翻攝自Radar Online)


好萊塢女星安海瑟薇(Anne Hathaway)。(圖/翻攝自安海瑟薇IG)


好萊塢女星安海瑟薇(Anne Hathaway)。(圖/翻攝自安海瑟薇IG)


Hey all, Happy New Year! Let's keep it positive, people. I am grateful to 2016 for the birth of my son and all that has meant, for the lesson(s) that there are no guarantees and we should celebrate and delight in each other now and not later, and that within the greatest crisis always lay the path to achieving the greatest wisdom. 2016 was marked by many difficult moments and there were many corresponding reactions. As we go into a new year full of new opportunities, please remember that anger is a depot and not the train, so don't let it be your whole journey. Let's all trust deeper and love freer and light the way the best we are able into 2017. Love Light Peace xx PS- I wanted to let you know I am taking a pause from Instagram and Facebook. Until next we meet, 🙏

Anne Hathaway(@annehathaway)張貼的影片 於 張貼




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安海瑟薇宣告無限期停用IG與臉書!粉絲心碎:妳快回來~ | 娛樂星聞